Wednesday 21 July 2010

"Guan Zi Zai" - Insight of your primal self

I was utterly absorbed in a bronze statue while taking a stroll on Yingge Old Street last Sunday afternoon. This Buddha status delivers me a sense of composure and seemingly brings me into meditation …soundless and peaceful…

This pieces is named “Guan Zi Zai” (觀自在). In Chinese, Guan (觀) means “to observe”, “to perceive” and “to review”. From the appearance, Guan (觀) is also associated with the Guan Yin (觀音) bodhisattva. Guan Yin, goddess of mercy, was originally masculine in appearance prior to the Song Dynasty. And, the later image was turning to both gender, even more female form, due to the personification of compassion and kindness since Yuen Dynasty. Yin (音) literally means “sound” in Chinese. Guan Yin benevolently observes the sounds from the universe, creation on earth and her worshippers.

“Guan Zi Zai” (觀自在) is mentioned on the first page of Heart Sutra. This term depicts an insight…. observing your physical body with your heart, perceiving the sound from your breathing and reviewing your primal soul. This practice leads us to comprehend who we are, where we have been and what nature we have. Not only is an artistic conception, Guan Zi Zai but also a lesson and reference, offered by Guan Yin, for the moral practice of our life.

if you are interested in this sculpture, please email me

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