Tuesday 8 June 2010

Plum-Blossom Vase: Graceful, Auspicious and Precious Piece

Plum-Blossom Vase is one of common styles among China porcelains. The first plum vase was found by Tong dynasty and fell into the known form by private kiln since Northern Sung Dynasty. Its features are small opening, short neck, wide shoulder, long leg and thin base.

It was ever used as liquor bottle / container at the beginning. One of poets in the Northern-Song Dynastic, Lin Pu, fascinated with its graceful appearance. This plum-blossom enthusiast is fond of preserving plum-blossom in this type of vase. That is the history people name this sort of vase. Nobel lord and high society took pleasure in furnishing them in palace and treasury. Plum-blossom vase, in some respects, is an article of Feng Hui, warding off evil, auspiciousness or mortuary.

if you are interested in these porcelains, please email me orient.artworks@gmail.com

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